'The Clever Cynic - Hollywood Gossip and Scandal, Hot Beautiful Women and Pop Culture. Movie Trailers and Movie Reviews, Hot Babes and Hot Models in Bikini Videos. Video Movie Preview Trailers, Celebrity Gossip, Humor and the The Best of the Internet.
Tyra Banks Tapeworm Diet Episode Video - Tyra Banks Show Tapeworm Diet Episode - Tyra Banks Tapeworm Diet News - Tapeworm Diet Videos - Tapeworm Video
The Tyra Banks Tapeworm Diet-
The Tyra Banks Tapeworm Diet...as it is now known on the internet is the result of an episode of the Tyra Banks Show that discusses the Tapeworm Diet. The tapeworm diet is illegal in the United States.
Strangely, although Tyra Banks claims to be disgusted by this entire Tyra Banks Tapeworm Diet topic, Tyra Banks seems to be quite arroused by the whole thing. In fact, I have never seen Tyra Banks look as hot or turned on as she does while discussing the Tapeworm Diet. Just watch the video closely...Tyra Banks looks absolutely smoking hot as she talks about the tapeworm.
Tapeworm Diet - Tapeworm Diet Video Explains Tapeworm Diet - Tapeworm Diet News and Information
Tapeworm Diet makes headlines-
The Tapeworm Diet is making headlines after the Tapeworm Diet was discussed on the Tyra Banks Show. Thankfully, the tapeworm diet is illegal in the United States...but I have a feeling that that won't keep some idiots from trying the Tapeworm diet...sigh.
Avatar the Movie - Avatar the Movie 2009 Movie Trailer Preview Video - 2009 Avatar Movie Trailer Video - Avatar Movie Trailers and Avatar News Videos
Avatar Movie Trailer ft. James Cameron Movie Trailer
This Avatar 2009 movie trailer offers a preview of one of the best movies to come along in quite a while. Avatar, the latest James Cameron movie that was released near the end of 2009 is a must see film of epic proportion. Shell out the extra three dollars to experience the movie in full 3-D...you won't want to miss the stunning visual effects that this movie has to offer.
Charlie Sheen Arrest - Charlie Sheen 911 Call and Alleged Arrest News - Charlie Sheen Denise Richards Arrest News Video and Commentary - Charlie Sheen Arrest
Charlie Sheen Arrest News Video-
Charlie Sheen is back in the news again as you can see from the latest Charlie Sheen commentary running wild on the internet.
Sarah Palin Resignation News - Sarah Palin Resignation Speech is Nonsense
The Sarah Palin Resignation Speech leaves me puzzled and cynical-
The Sarah Palin Resignation speech, as you can see from this youtube video of Sarah Palin's resignation speech leaves me wondering why she resigned, glad she did and even more grateful that this woman was on the losing ticket in the past-presidential election. (Actually, I am not glad that her ticket lost...any ticket had to be better than the Obama debacle, but if her side had to lose, at least they took her down with them for the fall.)
As you can see from Sarah Palin's heartfelt speech in the video, her speech is just about the biggest collection of gibberish ever compiled into a single YouTube video...and that took some doing.
I actually sat through this stinking-pile of cliche, rhetoric and nonsense three times. I finally decided that Sarah Palin was trying to tell us that she felt that her salary was a huge waste of taxpayer dollars...fortunately these were Alaskan-taxpayer dollars and so I could watch her speech without needing a barfbag. Ok, ok, I lied, I puked once but only during my first viewing of this video. The next two times I watched it I had to keep reminding myself that Alaskans had actually elected and paid this pathetic mess and then I felt better.
If you listen carefully, she really does seem to admit that she is pretty much useless as Governor and she is saving her state a ton of money that would be lost if she remains in that capacity.
I guess, having spent most of last year trying to run for another office, she realizes that she had pretty much let the state go to hell in a handcart while she was out farting around running for Vice President, becoming the target of countless YouTube spoof videos and squandering Alaskan tax dollars that were invested in her salary.
My guess is that Sarah Palin's political career is over. I can't imagine anyone giving her any serious political consideration following what has to be the biggest waste of taxpayer dollars in recent history.
The Clever Cynic Update - The Clever Cynic Returns
I am back...yes, it is true. For exactly one year I have been nearly silent due to a variety of wild circumstances beyond my control...and none of them pleasant.
The passing year has made me even-more cynical, acerbic and in general an even-bigger pain in the ass.
To the delight of many and to the extreme-chagrin of many others, I will once more share my words of wisdom with the masses and be appreciated by a very-few individuals who have the intelligence to appreciate the truth.
Susan Boyle - Susan Boyle Meltdown Video - Susan Boyle Meltdown News - Susan Boyle Has Meldown Under Pressure - Susan Boyle Video News
Susan Boyle allegedly had a meltdown, buckling under the pressure of her sudden rise to fame-
Susan Boyle has allegedly suffered a bit of a meltdown as a result of her sudden rise to fame. I don't fault Susan Boyle in the least for her difficulty with coping with the price of fame. Rock on Susan Boyle.
How Obama Got Elected - How Obama Got Elected Through Ignorance - How Obama Got Elected Video Shows Just How Obama Got Elected - Ignorance
How Obama Got Elected-
The sad truth about how Obama got elected. By now, I imagine that a lot of US citizens are wondering how in the world Obama got elected. In a video you won't want to miss, see just how Obama got elected.
One of the sad things about a democracy is that virtually EVERYONE gets to cast a vote. If you have enough voters turn out who don'thave a clue, you can actually, VERY-EVIDENTLY, since Obama is clearly still President, elect someone who leaves the intelligent segment of the US population wondering...HOW ON EARTH DID OBAMA GET ELECTED?
The sad thing is that there is nothing to prevent a similar disaster from happening again and again. All a candidate has to do apparently is to promise a lot of "free" perks for the American population and in they go. All we can hope is that the clueless voters who elected Obama thinking he would bring some amazing change, perhaps through ignorance or blind luck, will be so sorely disappointed that they become so disgusted with the lackluster performance of their "chosen one" that they don't bother to vote next time around. The sad truth is they are probably all still so sorely=misinformed that they have no clue just how bad things really are under the direction of their chosen President.
But hey...I guess I could run for President next time around...Want some "free" healthcare anyone?
What is Google Chrome - What is Google Chrome Video - 10 Features of Google Chrome - Google Chrome Explained - Google Chrome Video - Google Chrome
What is Google Chrome -
If you are wondering - what is Google Chrome - in a video you won't want to miss, see the 10 features of Google Chrome that make Google Chrome new and unique.
Teabagging - What is Teabagging Video - Teabagging Explained as Teabagging Parties Become the Rage All Across America - Teabagging Video
Teabagging - What is Teabagging Video-
What is Teabagging? Teabagging and Teabagging Parties are the nation's way of saying they have had enough of the present political situation, our present tax system and I guess enough tea.
In a - What is Teabagging - YouTube video you won't want to miss, learn What Teabagging is and just what it means as Americans cry out against the present political and economic situation in this country.
Obama Dog - The Obama Dog is First Dog - Bo Obama Dog Video and Obama Dog News - Obama Family Dog is Named Bo and is a Portugese Water Spaniel - Obama
Obama Dog is named Bo - The Obama Dog is the first interesting thing to happen since Obama took office other than the Obama Chia Pet Head. I have a feeling that the Obama Dog...aptly named Bo...will be around a lot longer than the Obama Chia Pet Head. In a video you won't want to miss, see Bo, the Official Obama Dog and I presume, first dog of our country.
Obama Bows to Saudi King - Obama Bows to Saudi King Video ft Obama Bowing to Saudi King Abdullah Like A Loyal Subject - Video Obama Bowing to King
President Obama Bows to Saudi King Abdullah Like A Loyal Subject-
It has been just a few short months ago that all across the nation cries rang out about our great new hope...Obama. Here, in a video you won't want to miss, see our mighty leader bow to Saudi King Abdullah like a loyal subject. Obama was supposed to save the nation, but so far he has been far from impressive.
It really bothers me to see our nation's ruler bowing down to anyone. Before Obama was elected I was still somewhat sure that America still had some faint, lingering hope of a return to being the greatest nation on earth...but when I see our President bowing down to a foreign ruler, it makes me wonder.
I didn't vote for Obama...I am merely consoled by being entertained by watching him flounder around as he tries to be President for four years. That is the joy and pain of living in a democracy...those who voted for Obama have to live with what they voted into office...the rest of us have to suffer right along with them...but at least we can enjoy the show.;)
The funny thing is, since Obama took office, I havn't heard anyone chanting Obama, Obama over-and-over for a while or singing little Obama songs about how Obama is going to rock our world.;) Maybe Obama Girl is unemployed like the rest of the country now that the election is finally over and the reality that is Obama is starting to become readily apparent...even to those who decided to ignore the fact that Obama didn't even know how many states were in the United States before he was elected...sigh
Eminem Sarah Palin - Eminem Sarah Palin Video - The New Eminem Sarah Palin Video We Made You Features an Eminem Sarah Palan Fantasy
The new Eminem We Made You Music Video Features an Eminem Sarah Palin Fantasy-
It is hard to imagine Sarah Palin and Eminem as a couple, but sure enough, the new Eminem We Made You Music Video includes a Sarah Palin Eminem fantasy scene.
Viagra Spray - New Viagra Spray - Viagra Spray Commercial Spoof ft New Viagra Spray - Funny Viagra Spray Commercial - Viagra Spray Aerosol Spray - Viagra
Viagra Spray in New Viagra Spray Commercial-
Video Info - Viagra Spray...yes a new Viagra Spray. You can now Spray Viagra and off you go. At any rate...the new Viagra Spray ad is really funny. The commercial doesn't give much Viagra Spray info...I guess they figure most people can figure out how to use Viagra Spray.
Actually there is a new Spray On Viagra type product that British Doctors have developed called psd502. This new Viagra Spray Spoof commercial is funny and I am wondering if the news of the new Viagra Spray has given the Viagra Spray stocks a lift or at least the stock of the company that makes it.
Obama Chia Pet Video - Obama Chia Pet News - Chia Obama Chia Pet Gets Chia Pet Heads Out at Walgreens - Obama Chia Pet
Chia Obama Chia Pet Gets Chia Pet Boot Out the Door at Walgreens-
An Obama Chia pet - Yes Obama Chia Pet...you heard me right, has been taken off the shelves at Walgreens. Apparently, the Obama Chia head plant pet was seen as a bad idea by several customers who complained about Obama in Chia Pet head form. The Obama Chia Head Pet video is already popular on YouTube and I have a feeling that the Obama Chia Head pet will be one of the hottest collector items in years to come.
We Made You Lyrics - Eminem We Made You Lyrics - Eminem We Made You Lyrics Free in Enimem Free We Made You Music Video - Eminem We Made You Free Music
Eminem We Made You Lyrics Free Eminem We Made You Video with Lyrics Performed by Eminem- The We Made You Song Lyrics are amazing and hear them performed for the first time by Eminem in this Eminem We Made You Free Music Video
Soulja Boy How to Do the Stanky Leg Dance - Soulja Boy How to Video Stanky Leg - Soulja Boy Stanky Leg Dance Instruction Video - Soulja Boy New Dance
Soulja Boy How to Do the Stanky Leg Dance- Soulja Boy shows you how to do the new Souja Boy Stanky Leg Dance. Actually is How to Do Da Soulja Boy Stanky Legg Dance...kind of like YouTube becomes utube and Soldier Boy became Soulja Boy. I guess Leg became Legg using the same reasoning.
At any rate, soon everyone will want to be wanting to do the new Soulja Boy Stanky Legg Dance, so you might as well learn it now er, do da Soulja Boy Stanky Legg Dance, so here is the instruction video.
Who Won Top Chef Season 5 - Who Won Top Chef Season 5 2009 Revealed - Top Chef Season 5 Winner - Top Chef Season Five 2009 Results - Top Chef Season 5
Who Won Top Chef Season 5 2009?... is probably a question that everyone who missed tonight's Top Chef Season 5 finale is probably wondering. - If you are among those wondering who emerged as the winner of tonight's Top Chef Season 5 finale, you might be surprised to learn that Hosea walked away with the title and the cash in what seemed to be a very-close final round between Stephan and Hosea. Carla seemed to fizzle out at the end...taking too much advice from a former contestant and making a few mistakes that cost her the title.
Congratulations Hosea on being the winner of Top Chef Season 5 2009.
Superbowl Commercials 2009 - The best Superbowl Commercials for 2009 certainly has to include this ad for Doritos. I certainly give my vote for this Doritos ad as the best among the best Superbowl commercials 2009...enjoy.