Why is the United States in a Recession? - Why is the United States in a Recession?... Answered - Why is the United States a Mess? The Clever Cynic Replies
Why is the United States in a recession?-
Why is the United States in a recession? Many people have been scratching their heads and wondering why the United States in in a recession. Tonight, I will explain exactly why the United States is in a recession, so lean back, relax and enjoy the show.
The United States is in a recession because there is too much red tape, too much recordkeeping and too many restrictions on free enterprise. Our system of taxation is so grossly-overwhelming that it is sucking the life out of the country. What was arguably once the greatest nation on earth is now one huge mess of paperwork that is stifling business and bringing the United States to the brink of ruin.
The United States needs to act quickly to try to rectify the situation quickly...hopefully, it isn't already too late.
Next time...what we can do about the recession?...stay tuned.