A tour of Wisteria Lane.
If you missed the last Desperate Housewives Episode, this should catch you up on the action...enjoy the season.
Desperate Housewives is back for fall 2007. What a great show.
A sneak peek from the next episode of Desperate Housewives.
A sneak peek into the action on the next episode of Desparate Housewives.
Hmm...that comment about schools in the Philippines seems a bit insensitive. I have a friend from the Philippines and she is VERY-well educated and graduated from a school there. In fact, she is one of the brightest people I have ever met.
Paris Hilton on David Letterman. This is CLASSIC.:D
The Mist - Video Movie Preview Trailer.
I guess the show "Wife Swap" in the UK is "Celebrity Wife Swap" and is a lot wilder.:D
What The Buck's take on Dancing with the Stars.
Labels: free, videos, utube, u tube, celebrities Dancing With the Stars, Video, videos, you tube, youtube