National Spelling Bee Numb Nut - National Spelling Bee 2008 Funniest Moment - National Spelling Bee Numb Nut Video - National Spelling Bee Numb Nut

National Spelling Bee Numb Nut - National Spelling Bee 2008 Funniest Moment - National Spelling Bee Numb Nut Video - National Spelling Bee Numb Nut

National Spelling Bee Numb Nut er Numnah - The National Spelling Bee actually turned out to have an entertaining moment. Apparently this contestant and most of the audience thought that the word - Numb Nut - was the word given to this savvy contestant. The word was actually - numnah.

I have to say that the National Spelling Bee is some very-exciting entertainment (hehe) and this National Spelling Bee Blooper was just the icing on an otherwise spell-binding event (sorry, but for an event with this much geekiness, bad puns are welcome, even encouraged.);)

Sadly, nothing quite says "beat me up" to the other middle school kids like being really good at spelling bees. I consider myself to be a passable speller, I usually skip the spellcheck phase of blogging, sometimes I am sure to my readers one is perfect, but I always passed on the spelling bees in middle school.

It is actually sad that any event that celebrates learning and knowledge in our society is often ridiculed by the general population. There is way too much emphasis on sports and very-little emphasis on academics...the true purpose for an educational establishment.

Sports won't keep the United States at the forefront of a global economy and yet we pour a huge portion of our resources into an activity that is supposed to promote teamwork in a society that values individualism above all else.

If you want to see teamwork in action, go to Japan and you will quickly understand why they will soon own the good old USA. I can't remember the last time I saw a Japanese basketball or football game, but I sure see a huge number of their cars on the streets of the United States.

I guess sports teaches teamwork and team spirit...I guess, but for some reason Japan and other Asian cultures seem to totally-own Americans in team utilization for productivity.;) Ask any coach and they will tell you sports is all about teamwork and team spirit. Maybe sports is about a star athlete and his or her supporting cast.;) I am sure that somewhere some coach is going all red in the face (have you ever noticed that coaches go red in the face a lot? ...must be from being around all that "teamwork") and calling me a numb nut...but I'll bet he owns a Honda.:D. Actually I looked up the spelling and it is listed as both numb nut and numbnut...maybe spelling is important afterall.;)

National Spelling Bee Numb Nut - National Spelling Bee 2008 Funniest Moment - National Spelling Bee Numb Nut Video - National Spelling Bee Numb Nut, national spelling bee finals tv, national spelling bee numb nut, numb nut, numbnut, national spelling bee numb nut video, nationsl spelling bee numbnut video

David Cook Dating Kimberly Caldwell - David Cook Dating Kimberly Caldwell Video - David Cook and Kimberly Caldwell American Idol Stars Dating

David Cook Dating Kimberly Caldwell - David Cook Dating Kimberly Caldwell Video - David Cook and Kimberly Caldwell American Idol Stars Dating

David Cook Dating Kimberly Caldwell-American Idol winner David Cook is dating former American Idol contestant Kimberly Caldwell. In a video American Idol fans won't want to miss, see David Cook ask out Kimberly Caldwell.

Thankfully, for David Cook's sake, Kimberly Caldwell seems delighted at the dinner invitation extended by David Cook.;) It would be kind of embarassing to win American Idol and then get shut down by a former consestant on television.:D

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Did George Clooney and Sara Larson Break Up - Did George Clooney and Sara Larson Break Up Answer and Video - George Clooney and Sarah Larson Split Up

Did George Clooney and Sara Larson Break Up - Did George Clooney and Sara Larson Break Up Answer and Video - George Clooney and Sarah Larson Split Up

Did George Clooney and Sara Larson Break Up? - By now you may have heard the rumors and are wondering...Did George Clooney and Sara Larson break up?

The answers is yes, according to ... George Clooney is a free man again and Sara Larson is back on the singles market.

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