There is an interesting new list being formulated by the masses (well SORT of). To be honest, I find anything collectively done by the masses to be a bit scary...the masses don't exactly have a good track record.;)...but Wikipedia was a collaborative effort and it ROCKS...so who knows.
What am I talking about? There is a new movement to develop a new 7 Wonders of the World. In a novel approach, (and given the tremendous
capability the
Internet now provides to accumulate massive quantities of useless and generally falsified information) a group has set out to allow the general population to decide the new list of 7 wonders...you can visit the site
here. (check it out it is actually kind of cool...in a limited kind of way)
I am already a little suspicious because they offer only 21 PREDETERMINED choices and Taco Bell is NOT on the list. :( It is as if they are saying we trust you guys to vote, but let's face it you are all to stupid to be involved in any but the most rudimentary part of the voting process, since we assume that the power of statistics will smooth out the anomalies. This would have held more credibility for me if they had allowed SUGGESTIONS.;)
So...(you saw this coming didn't you?) I decided to formulate my own list...and no you can't vote:
1. Taco Bell...I already mentioned this...but hey, a "run for the border" is godlike.
2. The fact that there was ONE let alone TWO men who were willing to admit that they had been in a position that presented a chance to have made a baby with Anna Nicole Smith...may her soul rest in peace.
3. The fact that you see some of the people that you see with kids. Now I do realize that there are sperm banks and massive quantities of alcohol these days, but I never cease to marvel that some of the people at the mall actually found a partner for reproduction.
4. That the Internet works part of the time.
5. Wikipedia...imagine a huge-collaborative project that actually works and is informative and entertaining.
6. Contact lenses.
7. That the world is stupid enough to constantly broadcast the earth's location into outer space where any culture with the capability to hear the signal would be so far advanced technologically and developmentally that they would enslave or eradicate our species.