A bit of behind the scenes strategy.;)
A bit of behind the scenes strategy.;)
A peek into the house.
Tonight, we look at global warming. The good, the bad and the ugly of it. Oh wait, I can't think of anything good about global warming. But there is a lot of talent here.
With temperatures here today topping out at 95 degrees, I decided to take a look at Global Warming.
I have a feeling you will hear about Akiane.;)
Why am I posting this? Because the art was done by an eleven-year old girl.;) Amazing eh?
An update on the Amy Polumbo story... more facts.
There is a lot of buzz about the iPhone Nano...watch the Letterman clip for the REAL story on the Nano version.;)
Speaking of strange trailers...here is one from "Saw." It is up to you to figure out what it means...
The new trailer that rat before the transformers movie reminds me a lot of the speculation that has always surrounded the Mona Lisa. Today, I bring you some of the best analysis clips so you can begin your own investigation.
This video trailer has perhaps undergone more analysis than anything since the Mona Lisa. ;) Today I bring you as much information as possible so you can begin drawing your own conslusions.
Even more speculation about the mysterious Trailer that preceeded the Transformer's Movie.
They really picked this trailer apart. The trailer has been released and is finally out now.;) So todayI am giving you the full scoop.
This is a photoanalysis of the Cloverfield Video. This gives you the current scoop.
Today we discuss the mystery movie trailer that played before the Transformers Movie.
This was on YouTube with the tag "iPhone" what on earth does it have to do with an iPhone? :O