Big Brother 8 USA - 7/10/07 Analysis

Tonight, I will summarize the episode in one sentence, then elaborate further for your entertainment.;)
On tonight's Big Brother Episode, Carol and Amber remain on the block, the house tires of Jen and sadly, Nick still hasn't discovered the joy of shampoo.
Tonight was quite interesting since the house progressed much more rapidly than usual into a jr. high school mentality. I credit the larger number of "younger" players this year for the quick slide into "he said, she said."
Dustin seems to make progress on all fronts. He is always right there to comfort the fallen and seems to do about 90 percent of his time listening. Further, he seemed to be patching things up with Joe and calming him down so he has an ally of sorts in the house. He seems to have a good set of social skills that may serve him well now that shouts of venereal disease no longer echo in the halls.
Nick hinted that he might hook up with a "boy," not that that surprised me. Nor did he bother to shampoo. He tries the "I am wearing a cap trick," but it fails when he keeps taking it OFF...sigh.
Zach seems to be quietly calling the shots while some of the others are trying to fade out of sight to coast. I was surprised to see Kail asking him for advice. (Hmm.) Given Kail's strategy for putting the slackers on the block the first round, slacking may not be the way to go this season.;)
Daniele won the power of veto ceremony in which the houseguests hid tokens then tore the house apart searching for them in a demented game of hide and seek. Danielle hinted that she might play the veto necklace but in the end, after baiting the others a bit, declined to use it. I am not sure baiting the others was a smart move...if you don't choose to play it, why rub it in?
Carol is finally done unpacking. At first, even this episode she said that, "Amber deserved to be there as much as she did, so she wouldn't campaign against her." HELLO CAROL, this is a contest for a huge amount of money. No one deserves it more than YOU do...well from your perspective anyway.;) But if you feel guilty should you somehow through some miracle survive to the end you can ease your guilt by giving it to me since we all all equally deserving. The fact I am not even in the house hardly diminishes that .... does it?
Our housemole Eric, accomplished his task of spilling his guts about an event from his past to the fan-chosen target, Kail. I think he wimped out a bit with a story about an ex-girlfriend that had an eating disorder similar to Daniele. He overplayed his hand a bit by droning on and on and on about it and crying like a sop. I give his performance a "4.5" on a scale of 10.
So there you go....tonight's episode in a nutshell.
If you want to catch up on the past posts I added a site search engine on the left for you to use. If you type any subject, such as Big Brother, all the past posts regurgitate into one page. I know, I know, this site is so high-tech (rolls eyes.)
So if you feel like it go bask in the glory of site search and at any rate enjoy the show. You may also want to go back to older posts, because I have been on a posting frenzy.
Blogger is bugged for me tonight and isn't recognizing my paragraphs so try to ignore the formatting.
--The Clever Cynic

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