The Hazards of Blogging and Some People's Idea of Fun...Sigh

Well...tonight I was snorkling around, minding my own business, and hunting for free, public domain clipart. I actually wanted a free picture of a ? (question mark). This should take seconds I thought...wrong. Well I surfed around doing various searches...I wasn't going to be choosy, any question mark would have been fine as long as it was free. I freely admit I am a free-clipart junkie and I hate having to whore my site by placing links all over in return for some free question mark gif. If I am going to whore my site it will be for profit. ;)

I do, however, always appreciate those kind people (however mentally disturbed) who give freely of their time to locate public domain stuff for me to use to pimp out my posts. (I am all for delegating.;) I finally stumbled upon a web page that looked promising. I read and read ...hunting for the IMAGES. I want my clip art quick and dirty. A slam-bam, thank you ma'am sort of thing. I leave feeling cheap and dirty, but hey I got my clip art...that's the important thing.

Well....I finally realize that this site actually didn't have any actual images. It was just a plan that someday images would somehow magically find their way to the land of make believe...maybe from Oz...who knows.

Here is an excerpt:

"Some other fun projects that are on the road map are to develop web spiders to crawl the web for old public domain clip art and automatically input this into the project. Several commercial distributions of clip art like the Nova Development Art Explosion 300,000 have built their products on public domain bitmap and vector graphics. This type of original public domain imagery needs to be sought out, converted to SVG, enriched with meta-data, and placed into the collection for use by all."

This is someones idea of FUN???...sigh. Developing Spiders that ninja public-domain clip, what a HOOT. I am sure you have to be over 21 to participate in such mind numbing enjoyment. I left feeling very-certain that the author might need to spend some quality time on the toilet...I also felt dirty but I didn't get my clipart...sigh.

--The Clever Cynic,


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