Lipstick on a Pig - Lipstick on a Pig Video - Lipstick on a Pig YouTube Video - Lipstick on a Pig Video Becomes Political Classic - Lipstick on a Pig
Lipstick on a Pig Video - The Lipstick on a Pig video is becoming a cult classic among political campaign videos. Recently, John McCain's political camp said that Obama's description of the Republican vow to bring change to Washington was like putting lipstick on a pig was both offensive and a slam against vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin...causing the term, "lipstick on a pig" to become the catch phrase of the 2008 Presidential race, making the Lipstick on a Pig video a must-see for the politically informed and politically-savvy.
I have a feeling that - Lipstick on a Pig - might become the Tippacanoe and Tyler Too of the 2008 Presidential race.

Tags: lipstick on a pig, lipstick on a pig origin, lipstick on a pig obama, lipstick on a pig video,