Noahs Ark Found - Noahs Ark Found Again - Noahs Ark Found Video - Noahs Ark Found for Perhaps the Tenth Time - Noahs Ark Found in Turkey - Noahs Ark Turkey Mountains
Noah's Ark Found-
Noah's Ark was found again, yes Noah's Ark was found heard me right the first time. This time Noah's Ark was found in Turkey in the mountains. It is so appropriate that this time Noah's Ark was found in a place with an animal name like Turkey. Now if they had found Noah's Ark someplace like Lapland, it wouldn't sound so convincing. The interesting thing is that Noah's Ark was found in the Mountains, proving I guess that Noah wasn't much of a sailor.
I think this makes the 10th time that Noah's Ark has been found, but maybe the first time Noah's Ark was found in a place with an animal name...I guess that makes it news. I can see why they thought it is Noah's Ark and not some unheard of Ark because it looks to me like all of the animals are still standing there in pairs waiting to be fed and bitching at Noah and asking, "Are we there yet?" The animals stalls havn't been cleaned out in a while, so the Ark discovery story reeks a bit of bullshit, but at least we found it again.
Further, yes I fully realize that I spelled Noah's Ark, Noahs Ark in the title...sigh. If you add some types of punctuation in titles in Blogger it messes up the scripting, so Noahs Ark it least in the get over it. The important thing is that they found the Ark AGAIN, so don't lose focus. This can not be another Noah's Ark hoax, the mountains just make this particular Noah's Ark story all too real. Afterall, if it were a hoax they would have found it some obvious place where you would expect to actually find an Ark...this is simply TOO clever for it to be a hoax. I can't wait for the animals they find on the Ark to start making the rounds of the museums, it will be even bigger than King Tut.
I am just hopeful that the next time they don't discover Noah's Ark in my backyard...that would suck. Although, now that I think about it, it would be nice if they thought they found Noah's Ark where I plan to plant my garden...they can excavate and then clean out the stalls right there...ah the sweet smell of compost.
Come back tomorrow night when I tell you about them discovering an unknown copy of the Holy Grail hidden in a stack of old National Geographics at my local public library...stay tuned.