Killer Whale Attacks Trainer Footage 2010 - Killer Whale Trainer Attack Video - Killer Whale Attacks on Humans Commentary

Killer Whale Attacks Trainer Footage 2010 - Killer Whale Trainer Attack Video - Killer Whale Attacks on Humans Commentary

Killer Whale Attacks Trainer and leads to questions-

It is 2010 and a killer whale attacks and kills a trainer. I am left wondering why American and World entertainment has reached the level where participants are killed.

Recently a participant in the Olympics was killed and now a trainer for an amusementevent...leading me to wonder if the price of spectacular entertainment is simply too high? Does entertainment that includes such a level of risk and danger worth the price?

Killer Whale Attacks Trainer Footage 2010 - Killer Whale Trainer  Attack Video - Killer Whale Attacks on Humans Commentary

Tags: killer whales, killer whale attacks trainer, killer whale attacks trainer video 2010, killer whale attacks trainer 2010, killer whale attack, killer whale attacks, killer whale commentary, killer whale attack news

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