The Clever Cynic--Business BS

Is it just me or does everyone cringe when they learn that there is to be a brainstorming session at work? The minute I hear the word "brainstorming," I want to pull over my trashcan and immediately empty my stomach contents.

Why you ask?

Because invariably part way into the session, someone...usually the one with the whiniest voice...says, "we need to start thinking outside the box." Then they look at everyone else like they are the first to ever coin the term. "think outside the box." They also use this smug expression that clearly shows everyone present that they are the ONLY one who has ever thought outside the box in their life and everyone else should shut up and listen to thier suggestion, accept it as some kind of divine inspiration and stand in awe of their personal creativity.

Well.........if they were such a creative thinker and mastermind.......they would come up with a new way of saying, "think outside the box." Something like, "we need something that hasn't been overdone like Paris Hilton."

My next thought is since they have such original ideas why doesn't the rest of the team put their stuff in a box, hand it to them and take a two-hour lunch while they polish thier creation? Oh yeah, I forgot........OUTSIDE the box.....sigh. What WAS I thinking?

--The Clever Cynic

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